Endcaps & Insights Canada | Field Agent Blog

Price Check: Thanksgiving Trimmings

Written by Jeff Doucette | Oct 6, 2022 5:03:25 PM

Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family, watch some CFL football, and change the subject when Uncle Jerry gets political.

And that's not all: Thanksgiving is also a time to EAT. Every year, Canadians go all out on traditional Thanksgiving foods like roast turkey, stuffing, and pie.

But inflation this year means that budgets are tight for many families. That means price-conscious shoppers will be counting pennies as they shop for their big Thanksgiving meals.

In September 2022 we spoke to Canadian shoppers about their plans for Thanksgiving dinner amid inflation concerns, and they told us that in order to stay on budget they would potentially cut back on the trimmings for their meal. (Read our full findings here)

So we sent a team of our mobile shoppers (we call them agents) to scope out traditional Thanksgiving side dishes at different retailers in five regions across Canada: Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal and Halifax. Our agents price-checked the same products at each retailer.

A Cartload of Price-Checks

Let's compare the price of a shopping-cart of Thanksgiving goodies across our five regions. We took the same brand for each product, then calculated the price of each product across the retailers we visited, and the total cost of the whole basket. Let's take a look!